I never had a black doll as a little girl. I got my first one as an adult. I started collecting porcelain black dolls in my early 20’s. That wasn’t enough, so during my creative block seasons in 2008 I started making my own black dolls”.

While dealing with grief in 2008 I struggled through a lot of creativity blocks in my art journey.  Since this had never happened before it alarmed me greatly.  So I contacted an artist friend with my concerns.  She told me during these moments I need to try doing something different. Create something new.  Since my soul cries out for creativity I tapped into it.  Upon following her advice, I taught myself how to make quilts and dolls. With my first quilt I used handkerchiefs. The story behind the handkerchiefs is under the heading “MY FIRST QUILT”.  As tribute to my husband, I cut up a few of his shirts and created patches for the quilt. In recognition of my Christian faith I named my dolls “Faith”, “Hope” both in December, 2008, “Joy” October, 2009, and “Angel”, and “Grace” both in January 2010.. 

After I finished the dolls I knew nothing was going to get in the way of my creativity journey again.  With the help of the Lord I was able to pull through some of the grieving process through the steps of creativity.  I give God all glory and praise!  If it wasn’t for Him I never would have made it through.

(c)2020 – AWOC – Angie’s World of CREATIVITY – ARTIST: Angela Stewart
